




Academic Papers

26) Nakamura R., Ohizumi, K. Ishibashi, K., Katayama, D., Aoki, Y. (2024): Dynamics of beach scarp formation behind detached breakwaters, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. Vol. 298, 108651 [doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2024.108651]


Academic Papers

25) Inagaki, N., Shibayama, T., Nakamura, R., Ishibashi, K., Esteban, M. (2023): Experimental Investigation into Effects of Strong Winds on Transport of Overtopping Water Mass of a Vertical Seawall. Coastal Engineering Journal, [doi:10.1080/21664250.2023.2286831]
・片山大地・中村亮太・石橋邦彦・大泉洸太 (2023): 新潟海岸における雨水吐口内堆砂量の数値計算の高度化の検討.土木学会論文集, 79 巻, 18 号, 23-18033 [doi:10.2208/jscejj.23-18033]
・兼村瑶望・中村亮太 (2023): 異なる避難開始時間を考慮したArtisocによる津波避難シミュレーション.土木学会論文集, 79 巻 18 号, 23-18046 [10.2208/jscejj.23-18046]
・佐藤佑真,小原祐貴,中村亮太 (2023): 畳み込みLSTMを用いた2次元波浪場予測に関する検討.土木学会論文集, 79 巻 18 号, 23-18061 [doi:10.2208/jscejj.23-18061]

Conference Papers

・Takayama, R., Nakamura, R. (2023): Pseudo Global Warming Experiment of Flood Discharge in the Shinano River, Japan. Oral presentation at AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, U.S.A.
・Kabasawa, M., Nakmaura, R. (2023): Pseudo Global Warming Experiment of Coastal Floods Associated with Storm Surges in Southwest Florida Caused by Hurricane Ian (2022). Poster presentation, AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, U.S.A.

Keynote lectures

・中村亮太(2023): 建設産業分野における DX の取り組み,第17回小千谷産学交流研究会,テレワークステーション小地谷,2023年8月.
・中村亮太(2023):新潟におけるグローカル研究展開 ~新潟大学海岸工学研究室を起点として~,令和5年度日本沿岸域学会全国大会シンポジウム,新潟大学,2023年7月.


Academic Papers

24) Takayama, R., Nakamura, R., Esteban, M., Mäll, M., Ohizumi, K. (2022): Pseudo Global Warming Experiment of Flood Inundation in the upper White Volta River, Ghana, Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 45, 101297. [doi:10.1016/j.ejrh.2022.101297]
23) Obara, Y., Nakamura, R.(2022): Transfer learning of long short-term memory analysis in significant wave height prediction off the coast of western Tohoku, Japan. Ocean Engineering 266, Part 4(15): 113048 [doi:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2022.113048]
22) Chang, J., Mäll, M., Nakamura, R., Takabatake, T., Bricker, J., Esteban, M., Shibayama, T.(2022): Estimating the Influence of Sea Level Rise and Climate Change on Coastal Defences in Western Taiwan. Journal of Coastal and Hydraulic Structures. 2. [doi:10.48438/jchs.2022.0016]
・伊藤秀,片山大地,大泉洸太,石橋邦彦,中村亮太,加藤茂 (2022): 令和3年台風9号通過前後の新潟青山海岸の離岸堤付近の海浜変形の現地調査と数値計算.土木学会論文集B3(海洋開発) 78(2): I_103-I_108. . [doi:10.2208/jscejoe.78.2_I_103]
・樺澤柾樹,中村亮太,大泉洸太 (2022): SSP585シナリオを用いた2019年台風19号に伴う東京湾の高潮の擬似温暖化実験.土木学会論文集B3(海洋開発) 78(2): I_349-I_354. [doi:10.2208/jscejoe.78.2_I_349]
・西田航平,小原裕貴,中村亮太 (2022): LSTM-マルコフ連鎖モデルを用いた日本沿岸域における有義波高予測の検討.土木学会論文集B3(海洋開発) 78(2):I_457-I_462 [doi:10.2208/jscejoe.78.2_I_457]

Conference Papers

・Ohizumi, K., Nakamura, R., Katayama, D., Ito, S., Ishibashi, K., Kato, S. (2022): Psudo global warming experiments of beach morphological change: case study in niigata coast caused by typhoon Lupit (2021). Oral presentation at the International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE), Sydney, Australia. (accepted).
・Yazaki, S., Nakamura, R., Nistor, I., Stolle, J. (2022): Simulation of drifting containers under dam-break waves on DualSPHysics. Oral presentation at the International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE), Sydney, Australia. (accepted).
・Obara, Y., Nakamura, R. (2022): Significant wave height prediction using transfer learning. Oral presentation at the International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE), Sydney, Australia. (accepted).
・Aoki, Y., Nakamura, R. Mäll, M. (2022) Future prediction of wind velocity and significant wave height in the completely ice-free arctic ocean under RCP8.5 scenario. Oral presentation at the International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE), Sydney, Australia. (accepted).
・Miyashita, Y., Nakamura, R., Yazaki, S. (2022): examination of analysis method for hydraulic model experiment utilizing rgbd images and dualsphysics. Oral presentation at the International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE), Sydney, Australia. (accepted).
・Inagaki, N., Shibayama, T., Ishibashi, K., Nakamura, R., Esteban, M. (2022): Experimental investigations into the effect of strong winds on wave overtopping. Oral presentation at the International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE), Sydney, Australia. (accepted).
・Ohizumi, K., Nakamura, R., Katayama, D., Ito, S., Ishibashi, K. & Shigeru, K. (2022): Field Surveys and Numerical Simulations of Beach Scarp in Niigata Coast, Japan. Oral/multimedia(poster) presentation at the IEEE-IGRASS 2022 (accepted).
・Mäll, M., Suursaar, U., Gomez, M. & Nakamura, R. (2022): Extreme Cyclones and Storm Surges in the Past and Future Climates: A Sensitivity Study for the Baltic Sea Region. Oral/multimedia(poster) presentation at the IEEE-IGRASS 2022 (accepted).
・高山遼太・中村亮太 (2022): 2019年千曲川における河川氾濫の擬似温暖化実験.第40回土木学会関東支部新潟会研究調査発表会


Academic Papers

21) Nakamura, R. & Mäll, M. (2021): Pseudo Global Warming Sensitivity Experiments of Subtropical Cyclone Anita (2010) under RCP 8.5 Scenario, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126(24): e2021JD035261. [doi:10.1029/2021JD035261]
・小原裕貴,中村亮太 (2021): LSTMを用いた日本海側の高精度波浪予測.土木学会論文集B3(海洋開発), 77(2): I_751-I_756. [doi:10.2208/jscejoe.77.2_I_751]
・矢崎真,中村亮太 (2021): DualSPHysicsを用いた実験スケールにおけるコンテナの漂流軌道解析.土木学会論文集B3(海洋開発), 77(2): I_25-I_30. [doi:10.2208/jscejoe.77.2_I_25] (Special Session推薦)
・伊藤優子,大泉洸太,石橋邦彦,中村亮太,加藤茂 (2021): 離岸堤付近における現地調査とXBeachを用いた海浜変形の数値計算.土木学会論文集B3(海洋開発), 77(2): I_919-I_924. [doi:10.2208/jscejoe.77.2_I_919]
・大泉洸太,石橋邦彦,中村亮太,高橋明 (2021): 新潟県荒川河口砂州における地形変化の変形過程の再現計算の定量化と開口機構の解明.土木学会論文集B3(海洋開発), 77(2): I_355-I_360. [doi:10.2208/jscejoe.77.2_I_355]

Academic Books

・柴山知也,高木泰士,鈴木崇之,三上貴仁,高畠知行,中村亮太,松丸亮 (2021): 海岸工学(よくわかる海岸と港湾).森北出版株式会社,200p.


Academic Papers

20) Aranguiz, R., Esteban, M., Takagi, H., Mikami, T., Takabatake, T., Gomez, M., Gonzalez, J., Shibayama, T., Okuwaki, R., Yagi, Y., Shimizu, K., Achiari, H., Stolle, J., Robertson, I., Ohira, K., Nakamura, R., Nishida, Y., Krautwald, C., Goseberg, N. & Nistor, L. (2020): The 2018 Sulawesi tsunami in Palu city as a result of several landslides and coseismic tsunamis, Coastal Engineering Journal, 62(4), 445-459. (Coastal Engineering Journal Award 受賞) []
19) Krautwald, C., Stolle, J., Robertson, I., Achiari, H., Mikami, T., Nakamura, R., Takabatake, T., Nishida, Y., Shibayama, T., Esteban, M., Goseberg, N., Nistor I. (2020): Engineering Lessons from September 28, 2018 Indonesian Tsunami: Scouring Mechanisms and Effects on Infrastructure, Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering 147(2):04020056-04020056 [doi:10.1061/(ASCE)WW.1943-5460.0000620]
18) Esteban, M., Takabatake, T., Achiari, H, Mikami, T., Nakamura, R., Gelfi, M., Panalaran, S., Nishida, Y., Inagaki, N., Chadwick, C., Oizumi, K., Shibayama, T. (2020): Field Survey of Flank Collapse and Run-up Heights due to 2018 Anak Krakatau Tsunami, Journal of Coastal and Hydraulic Structure [doi:10.48438/jchs.2021.0001]
17) Tomii, Y., Shibayama, T., Nishida, Y., Nakamura, R., Okumura, N., Yamaguchi, H., Tanokura, Y., Oshima, Y., Sugawara, N., Fujisawa, K., Wakita, T., Mikami, T., Takabatake, T., Esteban, M. (2020): Estimation of volcanic ashfall deposit and removal works based on ash dispersion simulations, Natural Hazards 103:3377?3399. [doi:10.1007/s11069-020-04134-1]
16) Mall, M., Nakamura, R., Suursaar, U., Shibayama, T. (2020): Pseudo-climate modelling study on projected changes in extreme extratropical cyclones, storm waves and surges under CMIP5 multi-model ensemble: Baltic Sea perspective, Natural Hazards. [doi:10.1007/s11069-020-03911-2]
15) Nakamura, R., Shibayama, T., Esteban, M., Iwamoto, T., Nishizaki, S. (2020): Simulations of Future Typhoons and Storm Surges around Tokyo Bay using IPCC AR5 RCP 8.5 Scenario in Multi Global Climate Models, Coastal Engineering Journal, 62(1):101-127. [doi:10.1080/21664250.2019.170901]
・熊倉遼也,中村亮太,大泉洸太,石橋邦彦 (2020): 新潟地震を用いた新潟都市部における不確実性を考慮した津波危険度の評価.土木学会論文集B3(海洋開発) 76(2):I_935-I_940. [doi:10.2208/jscejoe.76.2_I_935]
・佐伯竜彦,富山潤,中村文則,中村亮太,花岡大伸,安琳,佐々木厳,遠藤裕丈 (2020): 飛来塩分環境下にあるコンクリートの表面塩化物イオン濃度評価式の検討. 土木学会論文集E2(材料・コンクリート構造) 76(2):98-108. (令和2年度土木学会論文賞 受賞) [doi:10.2208/jscejmcs.76.2_98]


Academic Papers

14) Soltanpour, M., Shamsnia, S. H., Shibayama, T. & Nakamura, R. (2019): Experimental and analytical investigation of the response of a mud layer to solitary waves, Ocean Dynamics 70:165?186. [doi:10.1007/s10236-019-01319-66]
13) Nakamura, R., Mall, M., Shibayama, T. (2019) Street-scale storm surge load impact assessment using fine resolution numerical modelling: a case study from Nemuro, Japan. Natural Hazards 99:391?422. [doi:10.1007/s11069-019-03746-6]
12) Stolle, J., Krautwald, C., Robertson, I., Achiari, H., Mikami, T., Nakamura, R., Takabatake, T., Nishida, Y., Shibayama, T., Esteban, M., Nistor, I., Goseberg N. (2019) Engineering Lessons from the 28 September 2018 Indonesian Tsunami: Debris Loading. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 47(1):1-12. [doi:10.1139/cjce-2019-0049]
11) Mikami, T., Shibayama, T., Esteban, M., Takabatake, T., Nakamura, R., Nishida, Y., Achiari, H., Rusli, Marzuki, A.G., Marzuki, M.F.H, Stolle, J., Krautwald, C., Robertson, I., Aranguiz, R., Ohira, K. (2019) Field Survey of the 2018 Sulawesi Tsunami: Inundation and Run-up Heights and Damage to Coastal Communities, Pure and Applied Geophysics 176:3291?3304. [DOI: 10.1007/s00024-019-02258-5]
・栗谷 樹,加藤 茂,田畑貴大,中村亮太,岡辺拓巳 (2019) 台風通過に伴う干潟の短期的地形変化と土砂動態の把握. 土木学会論文集 B2 (海岸工学) 75(2):I_499-I_504 [doi:10.2208/kaigan.75.I_499]

Academic Books

・柴山知也,髙木泰士,鈴木崇之,三上貴仁,髙畠知行,中村亮太,松丸 亮 (2019) 水理学解説,コロナ社,200p

~ 2018

see google scholar



Transfer Learning of LSTM Analysis in Significant Wave Height Prediction off the Coast of Japan in Tohoku
Numerical Simulation of Container Drift under Dam-break Hydrodynamic Conditions


Simulation of Tsunami Evacuation Considering Difference Evacuation Timing
Two-dimensional Significant Wave Forecast by using Convolutional LSTM
Sensitivity Experiments of Sediment Transport Morphological Coefficients on Estuarine Sandbars
Verification and Pseudo Global Warming Experiment of Tropical Cyclone Veronica using ERA5
Evaluation of Water Fluctuations due to Collapsed Body Shape using DualSPHysics
Study on Improvement of Accuracy of Numerical Calculation of Beach Deformation near Breakwater in Aoyama Beach, Niigata City



Climate Change Impact Assessments on Morphological Change in Estuary: Case Study for Arakawa River mouth in Niigata, Japan
Consideration of the 1964 Niigata Earthquake Tsunami based on Tsunami Alternative Simulation Employing Dimensional Reduction


Evaluation of Tsunami Risk Caused by Fault Models Expected in Japan-Sea Coast
Field Survey and Numerical Simulations of Sediment Transport Near Coastal Structures using XBeach in Ikarashi Beach at Niigata Coast
Pseudo-Global Warming Experiment of Storm Surges and Waves in Tokyo Bay associated with Typhoon Hagibis (2019) Using SSP585 Scenario
Pseudo Global Warming Experiment of Flood Inundation in the White Volta River, Ghana
Prediction of Significant Wave Heights in Japanese Coastal Areas Using LSTM-Markov Chain Model
Examination of Analysis Method for Hydraulic Model Experiments Utilizing RGBD Images and DualSPHysics
Field Survey and Numerical Simulation of Beach Deformation near Detached Breakwater at Aoyama Beach in Niigata Coast during the Approach of Typhoon Lupit (2021)
Future Prediction of Wind Velocity and Significant Wave Height in the Arctic Ocean using RCP8.5 Scenario



Field Survey near Detached Breakwater and Numerical Simulation of Morphological Changes Using XBeach Model
High-Precision Wave Prediction Using LSTM On The Sea of Japan
Numerical calculation of floating container in the storm surge induced by Typhoon Jebi (2018)
Pseudo-global warming experiment on heavy rainfall over the western side of Japan using ARW-WRF
Drifting Orbit Analysis of Containers on An Experimental Scale Using DualSPHysics



Evaluation and Uncertanty of Tsunami Risk in Niigata Urban Area: A case study of Niigata Earthquake
Measurement of Morphological Changes using UAV and Numerical Simulation using XBeach Model at Arakawa Estuary in Niigata